Join With Us

Friends of the Old Stone Church is a membership organization. Our roster of members is made up of folks who have contributed financially or have donated time to the organization during the past five years. Members receive our periodic newsletter, Cornerstone. As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, donations made to the church are tax deductible.

Checks in support of the church should be made payable to Friends of the Old Stone Church. They can be mailed to either address below:

Friends of the Old Stone Church                Friends of the Old Stone ChurchHerit Day 029

c/o Barb Hyman                                            c/o Steven Schoenig

2217 Oak Valley Drive                                 820 E Lake Street

Muscatine, IA 52761                                   Fort Collins, CO 80524

You will receive a receipt for your contribution. Email your questions about contributing to the Old Stone church to: